Educational Resources

The Drug and Alcohol Action Programme have produced an information leaflet on "Health Guidance on Chewing Khat".
The leaflet contains facts about Khat as well as the health risks. The safest way to avoid any health risks associated with khat chewing is to avoid chewing.
However the leaflet also contains good practice guidelines if you wish to continue chewing.
The message is to look after your health, family and community.
The leaflet is available in both English and Somali.
English Khat Leaflet
View Outside (164KB PDF) | Inside (98KB PDF)
Somali Khat Leaflet
View Outside (172KB PDF) | Inside (119KB PDF)
Facts About Alcohol Addiction:
- English (487KB PDF)
- Polish (164KB PDF)
- Somali (152KB PDF)
- Punjabi (242KB PDF)
- Hindi (238KB PDF)
- Urdu (197KB PDF)