Using this website
This website has been designed to be as accessible as possible for anyone visiting the website who have a physical, visual or audio impairment.
It has been designed to take advantage of the latest screen reader and adaptive technologies.
Use of tables for non-tabular information is kept to a minimum. This may cause older browsers (e.g. Netscape 4.x and older versions of Internet Explorer) which do not understand standards-compliant code to display pages in a very basic way. However, the pages should still be usable.
Wherever possible, we would recommend upgrading your browser to the latest version number to take full advantage of this site's advanced presentational features.
Text size
Relative units have been used for text which can now be scaled using your browser settings. You can resize the font size in your browser as described below:
Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows):
Select the View menu, then choose Text Size.
Shortcut: Hold down the Control key, and then use the mouse scroll-wheel to
enlarge or reduce the text size.
Select the View menu, then choose Text Size.
Shortcut: Hold down the Control key, and then press the '+' and '-' keys
until the text is a comfortable size.
(On a Windows system, we find the Firefox keyboard-only shortcut is easier
to control than the scroll-wheel in Internet Explorer.)
Safari (Mac OS X):
Hold down the Apple key, and then press the '+' and '-' keys until the text
is a comfortable size.
Access Keys
We have deliberately chosen not to use access keys on this site. We feel that keyboard shortcut keys place an unnecessary burden on the memory of the user and that they ultimately replicate functionality already possessed by screen reader technologies.
The website uses the TITLE element throughout the website to add additional information about links. Pop up windows have been kept to a minimum with a TITLE element informing the user of any pop up windows they may encounter.
Navigation and Site Map
The navigation has been kept as simple as possible. Should you ever feel lost, simply use the site map found in the header of each page.
Keyboard Navigation
Some visitors to the site may have difficulty using the mouse. You can use the TAB key to navigate down through links within the menu and the main text of each page. Pressing the SHIFT key at the same time as the TAB key will allow you to move up through the links on each page.
There are 'skip' points throughout the website to enable users to skip navigation and go to content sections as you tab through links.
When using the keyboard to fill in online forms, you may have to use the spacebar to activate and deactivate radio buttons, checkboxes or arrow buttons for drop down menus.
If you have any difficulties accessing parts of the site or with our PDF downloads, please contact us for assistance.