What We Do

Our mission is to empower all communities against addiction and crime
DAAP works with individuals and communities to provide appropriate information and interventions to overcome drug, alcohol and Khat addiction and to tackle crime and the causes that lead to crime.
Our principles
Healthy Individuals create healthy communities and crime free individuals contribute to creating safer communities
Addiction, crime and its consequences affect every section of our community either directly or indirectly.
DAAP challenges static community perceptions about addiction and established practices and static approaches to tackling crime.
Education promotes informed choice
Individuals can make informed choices to promote their physical, emotional and spiritual well- being by knowing the consequences of addiction and of leading a life of crime.
DAAP educates individuals, organisations and communities on drug, alcohol and Khat addiction and crime prevention and how these impact on the individual, the family, the community and society at large.
Responsiveness and inclusiveness ensures diverse solutions and outcomes
Individuals and communities are diverse. Solutions and interventions therefore need to be wide ranging and appropriate.
DAAP promotes appropriate interventions and equality of choice so that individuals and communities can better address addiction, crime and related issues.
We provide support for users and carers in a number of local languages, support for individuals wishing to lead crime free lives, organise crime diversion and community safety and cohesion events, train volunteers and undertake research and resource development.
DAAP’s Ealing Community Education Project (ECEP)
We provide drug, alcohol and Khat education to Ealing residents
- harm minimisation information and advice for users and carers
- structured drug, alcohol and Khat awareness sessions for members of the community
- addiction awareness sessions for professionals
- outreach sessions and events to disseminate information
- Education campaigns
We provide advice, information and referral for drug and alcohol users and carers
- advice and information on harm minimisation
- One to one talk therapy
- Assessment and referral to other services
- Group support for women
We build unity between all communities
- Train and engage volunteers from diverse communities
- Deliver equality sessions to promote health equalities
- Organise unity events
- Organise crime diversion activities
Our services are provided in a number of local languages
Download the DAAP leaflet (2.8MB PDF)
Download the Ealing Community Education Project leaflet (2.7MB PDF)
DAAP’s Crime and Time project (C&T)
We work with individuals and communities on appropriate interventions to tackle crime and the causes that lead to crime.
Crime diversion activities for young people
- Trips to SEND, Coldingley and Lewes prisons for interactive workshops with inmates
- Learning and creative opportunities in the community
Crime diversion education to Ealing residents
- Crime awareness sessions for young people
- Information for professionals
- Crime awareness sessions for members of the community
- Education campaigns
Advice and information to young people to lead crime free lives
- advice and information on crime prevention
Training for peer educators
- Train and engage young volunteers in preventing crime
Download the Crime and Time project leaflet (45KB PDF)
Download the DAAP Crime Prevention leaflet (1.9MB PDF)
For further details about these projects contact us on Tel: 0208 843 0945 and [email protected]
DAAP was set up in 2002 as a limited company with charitable status.
Registered in England as a charity no: 1101661
and a company limited by guarantee no: 4758866